Thursday, January 22, 2015

Doa Hari Jumaat

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. الحمد لله رب العالمين.
والصلاة و السلام على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وأصحابه أجمع ين
Assalamualaikum. Salam pagi jumaat bersamaan 2 Rabiul akhir 1436H. Muga diberkati oleh Nya jua. Alhamdulillah. Ya Allah kami ini sering melakukan apa yg kami suka, mudahkanlah, juruskanlah dan kazimkanlah kami melakukan apa yg Engkau suka, bukan sesuka hati kami. Dan berikanlah kami kepuasan dan ketenangan dlm melakukan nya serta dijauhkan drpd penyakit2 hati yang boleh merosakkan dan merugikan kami. Sila baca surah alkahfe di hari jumaat yg mulia ini. Muga segala usaha kita mendapat berkat serta keredhaan dari Nya jua. In sya Allah. Aameen.

Doa hari Jumaat

Ya Allah Ya Tuhan kami, pada hari yg mulia ini, kami berdoa memohon keredhaanMu utk melaksanakan segala tanggungjawab yg telah diamanahkan. Bukakanlah pintu hati kami bagi menerima segala kefahaman, curahkanlah hidayahMu agar dapat kami jadikan sebaik-baik penghayatan.
Allahumma Ya Rahman Ya Rahim. Jadikanlah alQuran itu penyuluh hati kami, tunjukkan jln yg benar utk kami ikuti, jelaskan perkara yg bathil agar kami jauhi, corakkan akhlak kami dgn sifat-sifat mahmudah n lindungilah kami dari sifat-sifat mazmumah, sesungguhnya Engkau Tuhan Yg Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang.
Ya Allah Ya Ghaffar, kami memohon keampunan dari segala dosa kesalahan kami, dosa kedua ibubapa kami, anak isteri kami, kaum keluarga kami n seluruh mukminin mukminat muslimin muslimat di mana saja mereka berada.
Selawat n salam ke atas junjungan kami Nabi Muhammad SAW serta para sahabatnya.
Segala puji pujian hanya utkMu Ya Allah Ya Rabbal 'Alamin.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

B4A Tutorial - Designer Scripts & AutoScale Tutorial

Attached you find a pdf tutorial about Designer Scripts & AutoScale.
It includes Erels Designer Scripts Tutorial and a new AutoScale Tutorial.
It's an extract of two chapters from the next Beginner's Guide edition.

Three examples are explained:
1) a simple example with only one layout file and one layout variant AutoScaled. Showing also the influence of the rate factor.

2) the same example but with two layout variants portrait and landscape AutoScaled.

3) a more advanced example with several activites showing:

  • Main Main screen with an image and button to select different examples.
    The image size is adapted to the screen size.
  • Setup screen With a specific layout.
    This example uses the setup layout of the GPSExample program.
    The setup is a ScrollView with a Panel and several smaller Panels
    on it. Depending on the screen width there are one or two columns.
  • About screen with a specific layout.
  • DBWebView Database shown in a WebView using DBUtils.
    With a new DBUtils module allowing to set the TextSize property.
  • DBScrollView Database shown in a ScrollView.
    The views are scaled in the code.
  • Keyboard a numeric keyboard example.
    The key views are added in the code and scaled using the
    Scale module.
  • Scale module allows to scale views added in the code based on the same equations as those used in the Designer Script AutoScale.
    • GetScale Gets the scale with the Rate value set with SetScaleRate
    • SetScaleRate(Rate) Sets the Rate value
    • GetDevicePhysicalSize Gets the physical size of the device in inches.
    • ScaleView(View) Scales the given View with the current scale
    • ScaleAll(Activity) Scales all the views of the given Activity or Panel
      with all their child views.
    • SetReferenceLayout allows to set another reference layout than the standatd one.
      Example: Scale.SetReferenceLayout(800, 1280, 1)
      sets 800 * 1280 * 1 layout as the reference layout
      In this case the ScaleRate has no influence.
    • The module supports also ScrollView2D, but if you don't use it you should comment out the relevant lines in ScaleView and ScaleViewDS routines.
Click HERE for full details...

How to Run a B4A App in the Background?

Android handles applications differently than Windows.
Once your activity is not in the foreground, it is paused and cannot execute any code.
See this tutorial:

Services are used instead of activities to handle tasks while the application is in the background. Basic4android doesn't support services yet. The Services concept is pretty complicated. Much more than creating an activity.
I believe that support for services will be available soon.
Click HERE for full details...

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Basic4Android and LibGDX

All versions offer the same features, except for the additional amount of upgrades you get with the Enterprise and Site Licence editions. Upgrades are regularly released and you will be emailed with these when they are released. Information on new upgrades will also be posted here.
  • A Simple but powerful tool
  • IDE and programming language 100% focused on Android development
  • Compiles to native bytecode. No runtime libraries are required. Created APK files are exactly the same as APK files created with Java / Eclipse
  • Performance is similar to applications written with Java
  • Event driven programming language similar to Visual Basic with support for objects and code modules
  • No need to write any XML files
  • Highly extensible with support for custom Java libraries
  • Large, active and friendly community of developers. Over 20,000 registered developers!
  • The only available true WYSIWYG visual editor for Android. The visual editor supports multiple screens and resolutions
  • Easily create sophisticated layouts with the powerful designer scripts feature.New!
  • All Android phones and tablets starting with Android 1.6 and up to 4.0 are supported
  • Modern IDE with autocomplete, built-in documentation, internal index New! and other advanced features
  • Powerful step-by-step debugger
  • Large set of documentation with a custom online search engine and offline search engine tools
  • Built-in code obfuscation
  • Supports all Android core features including:
    • SQL databases including encrypted databases
    • GPS
    • Home screen widgets and live wallpapers
    • Background services and broadcast listeners
    • Bluetooth (serial ports)
    • Phone features: phone calls, sms, contacts, call logs and others
    • USB host and accessory modes New!
    • Web services
    • Camera
    • XML, JSON and CSV
    • Views animations
    • Multitouch gestures
    • NFC New!
    • Networking (TCP, UDP, FTP, SMTP, POP3 and SMB/CIFS New!)
    • Push notifications (C2DM)
    • Text to speech and voice recognition
    • AdMob ads and other ads platforms
    • OpenGL
    • Graphics and charts
    • Sensors
    • Files I/O
    • Integrate with services such as: Parse, Google services, Twitter, Facebook and others
    • Android Market In-App Billing service New!
    • Objects serialization
    • Sip / Voip New!
    • And many more…
Click HERE for full details...


When working on a web application that involves a lot of JavaScript, one of the first things you learn is to stop tying your data to the DOM. It's all too easy to create JavaScript applications that end up as tangled piles of jQuery selectors and callbacks, all trying frantically to keep data in sync between the HTML UI, your JavaScript logic, and the database on your server. For rich client-side applications, a more structured approach is often helpful.

With Backbone, you represent your data as Models, which can be created, validated, destroyed, and saved to the server. Whenever a UI action causes an attribute of a model to change, the model triggers a "change" event; all the Views that display the model's state can be notified of the change, so that they are able to respond accordingly, re-rendering themselves with the new information. In a finished Backbone app, you don't have to write the glue code that looks into the DOM to find an element with a specific id, and update the HTML manually — when the model changes, the views simply update themselves.

Philosophically, Backbone is an attempt to discover the minimal set of data-structuring (models and collections) and user interface (views and URLs) primitives that are generally useful when building web applications with JavaScript. In an ecosystem where overarching, decides-everything-for-you frameworks are commonplace, and many libraries require your site to be reorganized to suit their look, feel, and default behavior — Backbone should continue to be a tool that gives you the freedom to design the full experience of your web application.

Click HERE for full details...

Basic4Android - Beginners' Guide

B4A - The simplest way to develop real-world, native Android apps!

B4A includes all the features needed to quickly develop any type of Android app.
B4A is used by tens of thousands of developers from all over the world, including companies such as NASA, HP, IBM and others.
Together with B4i you can now easily develop applications for both Android and iOS.

Download B4A Trial Version
B4A can run in two modes: local compilation and remote compilation.

Local compilation mode is faster and has more options such as working with the emulator, USB debugging, unattended installations and others.
Remote compilation mode (only available in the trial version) is simpler to get started with.

Click HERE for full details...

HTML5 - Best IndexedDB Wrappers

I am just exploring various options for IndexedDB Wrapper and i've come across quite a few options as follows:

  • YDN
  • JQuery IndexedDb Plugin 
  • IDB Wrapper
  • DB.js

Click HERE for full details...

The Jabaco Framework is Open Source (BSD-License)

Jabaco is a simple programming language with a BASIC like syntax for the Java Virtual Machine. The Jabaco Framework is based on Swing with some smart extensions. The Visual Basic Runtime wrapper is only a subset of this framework.

Click HERE for full details...

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Tutorial: Night Photography

Night time with your EOS

Don't put your camera away at the end of the day, night time offers a whole range of opportunities to carry on shooting.

There are some useful techniques and features to understand that are covered in this tutorial.

• Camera shake

• Tripods

• Remote firing

• Mirror lock-up

• Move to Manual

• Bulb exposures

• Noise reduction

• Subjects for night time pictures

Click HERE for full details...

54 Portrait Ideas: Free Downloadable Posing Guide

Are you stuck for portrait ideas? Sometimes we’ve found that you can over-think these things. When you put so much thought into backdrops and colour schemes and following others’ portrait photography tips, you can overlook some of the fundamentals of portrait photography, such as your subject’s pose. We believe our posing guide below should help!

Free portrait posing guide to download

A great way to reignite you portrait photography with new portrait ideas is to shoot a model in your home photo studio, using as minimalist a set-up as possible. By experimenting with different poses you can see what works and get new portrait ideas to apply to your next shoot.

To help you along we’ve put together our latest photography cheat sheet, a visual posing guide that you can download and use as inspiration.

To create our posing guide we shot our own examples of some of the more traditional portrait styles – full-length portraits, seated portraits, high and low perspectives and head-and-shoulder shots – and then some suggested poses within these genres. We’ve also included some short tips on how to achieve these shots to get the best results.

Click HERE for full details...

99 Common Photography Problems And How to Solve Them

As well as being one of the most expensive hobbies around, photography is also one of the more technical pastimes you can pursue. But it doesn’t have to be confusing!

We’ve spoken to numerous experts over the years, as well as photographers like you, who may either be just starting out or have been taking pictures for a while but keep encountering the same nagging problem.

From all our conversations, we’ve noticed some common photography problems that seem to plague snappers of all ages and abilities.

Click HERE for full details...

Canon EOS 550D T2i Tips, Tricks & Best Settings

Here you’ll find tips, tricks, recommended settings and advice to help you get the most out of your T2i (550D).

Click HERE for full details...

Public Domain Softwares

Click HERE for full details...

Reading RSS with PHP - Myspace, Flickr, YouTube, and Twitter

The Internet seems to be getting easier everyday. With sites like Myspace, Flickr, YouTube, and Twitter, you can essentially create a full-on interactive web experience for free and with no knowledge of web design. This is great, but it limits your creativity, and it also requires your readers to remember multiple separate URLs.

On the flipside, you could reverse engineer all of these tools and create your own versions of them for use on your personal website, creating the same immersive user experience you get from using social tools, but that’s a good deal of time and effort. The learning experience of building such tools is great, but we don’t always have hundreds of hours to dedicate to rebuilding Flickr’s robust photo management. Besides, doesn’t it seem a little silly to reinvent the wheel?

So, what we’re hoping for is a way to get the best of both worlds: how can we utilize the power of Flickr on our own website without needing to dedicate a great deal of time to solving the problem?

Click HERE for full details...

An Easy Way to Display an RSS Feed with PHP

RSS feeds are everywhere, and sometimes it’s a good idea to display one to keep people in the loop of important posts from your site, or sites you think might be relevant. Luckily, PHP 5 introduced the DOM extension which make it easy to work with XML documents. Now all it takes is just a small bit of code to fetch and display a feed.

Click HERE for full details...