Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Recovering damaged CDs or DVDs with Linux

On Windows there are a slew of file recovery tools which will peer intently at an optical disc, retrying until they recover every possible file. The leading tool is probably Isobuster, but there are dozens of candidates for the title. There are few automated (or even user-friendly) data recovery tools on Linux or UNIX(tm) platforms, but common tools which are often even included with the core system or which are installable through the official package system are often sufficient for performing this critical task.

One particularly frustrating way to lose data is by burning it to an optical disc and storing it. One often attempts to preserve data this way, only to have cheap media or a cheap storage container (especially binders) destroy the disc beyond repair. Sometimes, however, the data around the error (or at least up to it, which is sometimes still better than nothing) may still be readable if you use a tool more complicated than the 'cp' command (or selecting and dragging files in the file manager of your choice.)

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Thursday, February 5, 2015

4 Ways to Create CD/DVD ISO Images in Ubuntu

In this guide I will show how to create CD/DVD ISO images in Ubuntu using four easy methods.

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Convert 4:3 to 16:9 PAL

I had some video footage at 4:3 aspect which I wanted to scale and crop to fit a 16:9 wide-screen PAL format. My first attempt was to scale the video to 720×540 (maintaining the 4:3 aspect ratio) and then crop to 720×405 (a 16:9 ratio)

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Best Optical Disc Data Recovery App for Ubuntu Linux

Rather than trying your as* off to recover data afterward, it’s always best to take some precautions (no disrespect intended :D). This is one of the reasons why most people (including me) like to backup their data to optical discs such as CD/DVD or Blu-Ray discs rather than using Hard Disk Drives as optical discs can keep your data safe for years.

 For instance, because the HDD is a mechanical device rather than a electronic one it has somewhat a shorter life-cycle (you know the poor bugger is always spinning, parts easily wear out etc). And also the margin for error is very little (sudden drops can be fatal) too. But that’s not to say that the optical discs are perfect since they too have their own vulnerabilities.

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Upload High Quality YouTube Videos 16:9 Aspect Ratio (Widescreen) with Mencoder

After a lot of experimenting I finally found the settings that would allow me to upload a video to YouTube to be played in High Quality. This is for the 16:9 aspect ratio so if you are looking for the 16:9 settings, see Upload High Quality YouTube Videos 4:3.

You will need Mplayer, and if you are on Windows, you may want to try out one of the GUI versions. Other platforms can see the Unofficial Packages. Mencoder is a very powerful command line video processor, for more help see the man page. I don’t pretend to know all of the video processing options, but i can explain the ones we are about to use.

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Rescue Old, Damaged CDs with Ubuntu

Your old CDs – especially ones you’ve burned yourself – degrade over time, to the point that they’re unreadable. We’ll show you how to squeeze as much data out of them as you can, before it’s too late!

The tool we’re going to use to do this is called ddrescue, which can be easily accessed from the Live CD environment. ddrescue can make .iso files out of your CDs, which can then either be burned to a more reliable CD, or can be mounted and accessed in all modern operating systems.

Click HERE for more details...

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Iblis Takut Kepada Allah S.W.T

Dulu waktu sekolah rendah, kalau DATANG LAMBAT, kena denda kutip sampah sekitar kawsan sekolah.
Naik sekolah menengah, kalau DATANG LAMBAT, pengawas ambik nama dan cikgu disiplin akan sebut nama waktu perhimpunan. Kena denda juga kutip sampah atau cuci tandas.
Masuk universiti, kalau DATANG LAMBAT ke kuliyyah, lecturer potong 'carry mark'. Ada juga yang terus tak boleh masuk, lecturer kunci pintu.
Bila dah bekerjaya, kalau DATANG LAMBAT, bos akan marah, bonus dan kenaikan gaji terjejas. Bahkan kalau selalu sangat, HR akan hantar showcause letter.
✅Kalau DATANG LAMBAT solat jemaah, samada tertinggal rakaat pertama atau bahkan kalau datang ketika tahiyyat akhir, Allah tetap beri ganjaran 27 kali pahala. Tak kena tolak jadi 20, 10 atau 7. Tetap juga 27. Cuma pahala afdhalnya yang mungkin berbeza di sisi Allah..
✅Allahuakbar... Betapa Allah sangat sayangkan hambaNya....
Ustaz Azhar Idrus Berkata
Kita relax and baca ni Perbualan antara Rasulullah & iblis..
❓Rasulullah bertanya : “Apa yg kau rasakan jika melihat seseorang dari umatku hendak solat?”
❗Iblis menjawab : “aku merasa panas dingin dan gementar”
❓Rasulullah : “kenapa?”
❗Iblis : “Sebab setiap seorang hamba bersujud 1X kepada Allah, Allah mengangkatnya 1 darjat”
❓Rasulullah : “jika seorang umatku berpuasa?”
❗Iblis : “tubuhku terasa terikat hingga ia berbuka”
❓Rasulullah : “jika ia berhaji?”
❗Iblis : “aku seperti orang gila”
❓Rasulullah : “jika ia membaca Al-Quran?”
❗Iblis : “aku merasa meleleh laksana timah diatas api”
❓Rasulullah : “jika ia bersedekah?”
❗Iblis : “itu sama saja org tersebut m'belah tubuhku dgn gergaji”
❓Rasulullah : “mengapa boleh begitu?“
❗Iblis : ”sebab dalam sedekah ada 4 keuntungan baginya, iaitu :
1. Keberkahan dlm hartanya,
2. Hidupnya disukai,
3. Sedekah itu kelak akan menjadi hijab antara dirinya dgn api neraka,
4. Terhindar dari segala macam musibah akan terhalau dr dirinya.
❓Rasulullah : “apa yg dapat mematahkan pinggangmu?”
❗Iblis : “suara kuda perang di jalan Allah.”
❓Rasulullah : “apa yg dapat melelehkan tubuhmu?”
: “taubat org yg bertaubat”
❓Rasulullah : “apa yg dpt membakar hatimu?”
❗Iblis : “istighfar di waktu siang & malam”
❓Rasulullah : “apa yg dpt mencoreng wajahmu?”
❗Iblis : “sedekah yg diam2”
❓Rasulullah : “apa yg dpt menusuk matamu?”
❗Iblis : “solat fajar”
❓Rasulullah : “apa yg dpt memukul kepalamu?”
❗Iblis : “solat berjemaah”
❓Rasulullah : “apa yg paling mengganggumu”
❗Iblis : “majlis para ulama”
❓Rasulullah : “bagaimana cara makanmu?”
❗Iblis : “dengan tangan kiri dan jariku”
❓Rasulullah : “dimanakah kau menaungi anak2mu di musim panas?”
❗Iblis : “dibawah kuku manusia”
❓Rasulullah : “siapa temanmu wahai iblis?”
❗Iblis : “penzina”
❓Rasulullah : “siapa teman tidurmu?”
❗Iblis : “pemabuk”
❓Rasulullah : “siapa tamumu?”
❗Iblis : “pencuri”
❓Rasulullah : “siapa utusanmu?”
❗Iblis : “tukang sihir (dukun)”
❓Rasulullah : “apa yg membuatmu gembira?”
❗Iblis : “bersumpah dgn cerai”
❓Rasulullah : “siapa kekasihmu?”
❗Iblis : “org yg meninggalkan Solat Jum'at”
❓Rasulullah : “siapa manusia yg paling 2membahagiakanmu?"
❗Iblis : “org yg meninggalkan solatnya dgn sengaja”
AllahuRabbi..  Jom KONGSI sebarkannya biar bagi 1 dunia tahu apa kelemahan Iblis.
Anda Akan membuat beribu- malah berjuta- juta org berselawat ke Atas Nabi Muhammad S.A.W ..

Pentingnya Bersahabat

Diriwayatkan, bahawa :
Apabila penghuni Syurga telah masuk kedalam Syurga, lalu mereka tidak menemukan sahabat2 mereka yang selalu bersama mereka dahulu sewaktu di Dunia.

Mereka pun bertanya tentang sahabat mereka kepada Allah:

"Yaa Rabb..
Kami tidak melihat sahabat-sahabat kami yang sewaktu di Dunia solat bersama kami, puasa bersama kami dan berjuang bersama kami."

Maka Allah berfirman:
"Pergilah kamu ke Neraka, lalu keluarkanlah sahabat2 mu yang di hatinya ada iman walaupun hanya sebesar zarrah"
(HR : Ibnul Mubarak dalam kitab "Az-Zuhd").

Al-Hasan Al-Basri berkata: "Perbanyaklah sahabat2 mukminmu, kerana mereka memiliki Syafa'at pada hari Kiamat nanti".

Ibnul Jauzi pernah berpesan kepada sahabat2 nya sambil menangis:
"Jika kalian tidak menemukanku nanti di Syurga bersama kalian, maka tolonglah bertanya kepada Allah tentang aku:
"Wahai Rabb Kami..
Hamba-Mu si fulan, sewaktu di dunia selalu mengingatkan kami tentang ENGKAU..
Maka masukkanlah dia bersama kami di Syurga-Mu"

Mudah2an dengan ini, aku telah mengingatkanmu Tentang Allah ..
Agar aku dapat besertamu kelak di Syurga & Redha-Nya..
آمِيّنْ. يَا رَبَّ العَالَمِينْ
Ya Allah
Aku Memohon kepada-Mu.. Kurniakanlah kepadaku sahabat2 yang selalu mengajakku untuk tunduk patuh & taat Kepada Syariat-Mu..

Kekalkanlah persahabatan kami hingga kami bertemu di akhirat kelak...

Oleh itu...
Carilah seberapa ramai sahabat yang baik yang menunjukkan jalan2 ke Syurga & jalan2 kebaikan.