Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Ultimate Guide to the Google Search Parameters

Yes, I really do believe people reading this might be sad enough to answer "yes" to the question "Ever wanted to know how to construct your own Google search strings?" So with that in mind, here are Google's search string parameters.
All of them.
Google's URL. If you didn't know that bit, you're probably Amish.
The query string. Words are separated by + signs.
Everything from here on in is preceded by an & sign, as it's tagged on to the end. Here's where (if you have no girlfriend), things get interesting...
Results must include the query, in the word order displayed.
Shows as "query goes here"
Results must include one or more of the words in this string. Basically, it's like a more advanced version of the one above, using an "or" filter. Thus, every result must have the main initial query, and one or more of the sets of terms in these strings.
Shows as "query string" OR goes OR here
Results must NOT include any words in this string.
Shows as -don't -include -these -words
Controls the number of results shown. Must be a numeric value, and can be anything up to 100. Doesn't work with fractions. I've tried.
Only returns results that end in .extension. Currently supports any input. Try it - make a file with a random extension, get it indexed and do a search. Also shows that as long as it validates to something, Google can and will index it. Something to think about...
Shows as filetype:extension
Limits results to just the site you choose.
Shows as site:example.com
The Ultimate Guide to the Google Search Parameters - YouMoz - Moz

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